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Vestax has his own football club.

What does professional technology have to do with sports and what specifically does football have, and what does Vestax have to do with it? In the Czech Republic there are many other football competitions in addition to the highest Gambrinus League football competition and one of them is the popular Prague Club Football League (PKFL). Our company decided to support this club competition in small football, which has a long tradition in the Czech Republic, and through our brand Vestax became a partner of the football club FC Converto Prague. Last season, FC Converto achieved great success when, after a series of victories, it finally advanced from the third league to the second league of the PKFL. These days the autumn season of the PKFL football season starts and we of course keep our fingers crossed for the FC Converto guys to follow up on last year's success in the PKFL small football league with the Vestax brand on their jerseys. (Foto: FC Converto, MaTo, ToBi).