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High-end professional Vestax CF-CC PCV crossfader with precision adjustable waveform and crossfader range, long life. Complete assembled KIT for quick user exchange.

Code: 4516184250453
€ 179.00
Availability: in stock

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A Cut lag space is the end point of the cross fader, where there’s a little gap that doesn’t play out sounds. Vestax has developed a special circuitry to control this cut lag space digitally. The CF-CC allows you to set both left and right cut lag spaces individually; depending on which hand you use the most, or to your personal preference. The fader is able to adjust via two dials, the cut-in time from the fader at OFF sound to when the fader is ON. It is a very small area of focus, but this is where the demand is and why DJs are in search for the sharpest fader on the market. This new technology will allow Scratch DJs and Mix DJs being able to perform to thier style and to suit their genre of music. PCV (Plastic Conductive Volume) technology is tested for 2 million passes / 1 million cycles by accredited testing laboratories. During this time, it must not lose the quality of the audio signal passing through it (to imagine, standard faders leave after about 100,000 cycles). These are the minimum guaranteed values. The CF-PCV SSF has a precision metal mechanism and guide shafts on which the fader slider moves and has a very precise position. This simultaneously reduces friction, resulting in less wear and smoother fader movement. It is designed for professional applications such as turntablism or professional club mixers. The CF-CC PCV Crossfader is compatible with the Vestax Mixing Desks PMC-05Pro, PMC-06Pro and PMC-07Pro Series



  • replacement original Vestax crossfader for mixers PMC-05Pro3, PMC-05Pro3 VCA, PMC-05Pro2, PMC-05ProSL, PMC-05ProSL VCA
  • crossfader dersigned also for mixers PMC-06Pro A, PMC-06Pro A VCA, PMC-07Pro, PMC-07Pro ISP
  • PCV™ technology brings reduced friction, less wear, smoother fader movement, long service life
  • precise quality and top parameters of original faders by ALPHA™ for Vestax Japan
  • used the latest technologies implemented in contactless crossfaders
  • easy replacement and wide compatibility with Vestax devices
  • fader is tested and meets the manufacturer's requirements
  • options for upgrading factory-installed faders 
  • user adjustable - control cut lag space



PDF soubor Technical information - Vestax CF-CC (1,90 MB)
PDF soubor Install Manual Vestax CF-CC PCV KIT (2,85 MB)
PDF soubor Table of compatibility CF, IF, DF (1,85 MB)






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