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Vestax PF-2000Pro KIT

Vestax PF-2000Pro KIT

Original Japan factory replacement pitch fader KIT for basic speed control for PDX-2000 Series turntables, factory assembled with ALPS™ long-Life fader, PCB board and JST2.0 DPS connector.

Code: PD03WG12AZ102-2
€ 149.00
Availability: at the supplier


December 2024

 Originální náhradní díly  Doporučeno využít autoriz.servis  Original Japan  picto-expected-date-1224.png  
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For Vestax PDX-2000 Series turntables, the KIT replacement pitch fader is designed for basic speed control of ± 10% RPM. Factory ALPS™ (PG Long-Life) extended life pitch fader comes with a PCB board and a JST / MOLEX PCB connector for quick and easy replacement. (can be ordered without PCB board - separate fader for soldering, for service partners or user replacement). Designed for easy user replacement or Vestax authorized repairers and authorized service centers.

infoidea Notice: If you are unsure of your choice, consult our customer support before purchasing.

info-blue-h-icon.png This is only custom made premium part ! Production takes approx 5 ∼ 6 months.



  • for Vestax PDX-2000 Series replacement original 100mm pitch fader for basic turntable speed control ± 10% RPM
  • KIT for quick & easy user replacement by removal, mounted on PCB with 4PIN PCB connector
  • fader is tested and meets the manufacturer's requirements 
  • the new ALPS™ PG Long-Life with a long life of slider
  • options for upgrading factory-installed faders 
  • this is an premium original part of Vestax
  • for easy user replacement



Specification PDX-2000, PDX-2000MkII, PDX-2000MkII Pro, PDX-2300, PDX-2300MkII, PDX-2300MkII Pro
Material 100 mm fader ALPS™ PG Long-Life with extended life / PCB board with JST / MOLEX PCB 4 PIN connector
Dimension effective range 100 mm / 120 x 34 x 14 mm (incl. PCB)
Weight 30 g (netto)
Accessories fader dust cover V-COAT PF
instructions for installation



PDF soubor Table of general spare parts & accesories Vestax (349 kB)
PDF soubor Table of compatibility CF, IF, , PF, DF (1,85 MB)




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  1. Pitch fader kit (Nima, 21 Jun 2021 01:20:24) Reply | Show replies

    Hello vestax team
    I have a vestax PDX-D3S mk2 with pitch fader problem . Should i get your Vestax PF-2000Pro KIT for it? Is if fit for both ? If not what should i get ? Thank you in advance .

    1. Re: Pitch fader kit (Vestax ADMIN, 24 Jun 2021 16:40:12) Reply

      Helo, yes. The answer can be found in the e-mail message.

      1. Re: Re: Pitch fader kit (Shah, 28 Jun 2021 16:02:41) Reply

        Hi, how long it takes for a standard delivery to US?


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